Riichi Mahjong, also known as Japanese Mahjong, is a common game of mahjong played in Japan. In 1924, a soldier named Saburo Hirayama brought mahjong to Japan. Riichi Mahjong retains the basic rules of Chinese Mahjong, but also innovates some unique rules, such as the use of Furiten and Dora. ⛩️
Mahjongo.com is the best website to play free Riichi Mahjong games online. 🥰
For newbies, you can go to our Learn channel and spend 5 minutes learning the basic Riichi rules. For experienced players, we have also prepared more detailed rules tutorials. 😎
But my suggestion is that you can start a game with the robots directly and learn the rules of the game during the game. It's like learning to swim by jumping into a swimming pool first. 🏊
Basic Rules: Mahjong Tiles, Yaku, Yakuhai, All Simples, Riichi, Furiten, Dora. 🎲
Our version of the Riichi Mahjong game offers familiar rules, design and functionality. 🤗
Join hundreds of millions of Mahjong players around the world, train your memory and logic skills, meet new friends, and enjoy the interaction and communication between people. 👫🏽
Language: Japanese • Simplified Chinese • Traditional Chinese
Tool: Riichi Mahjong Tile Generator
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