Sichuan MahjongHow to PlayFeedback
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Sichuan Mahjong

Sichuan Mahjong

Sichuan has cute giant pandas, delicious hot pot, and great mahjong enthusiasts. It's said that people here can play mahjong anywhere, such as in the river. Sichuan Mahjong is the most popular Chinese mahjong. 🐼

Sichuan Mahjong Rules

Sichuan Mahjong, also known as Sichuan Bloody Rules Mahjong(SBR Mahjong). It has a total of 108 cards, with bamboo, dots, and characters, but no wind or dragon cards. 🀄

Its rules are very simple. On the first turn, players need to discard one suit. When the first player wins, the game continues. The game will not end until the second player wins and the third player wins. 🎲

Sichuan Mahjong Fan list

  • Root: 1 for each, 4 identical tiles in two or more sets.
  • All Pungs: 1 fan, Hand with four pungs or kongs and a pair.
  • Golden Wait: 1 fan, Four melds (pungs or kongs) in hand, the winning tile completes the pair, add 1 fan for "All Pungs".
  • Full Flush: 2 fan, All tiles in the hand are one suit only.
  • Seven Pairs: 2 fan, Seven pairs in hand.
  • Win after Kong: 1 fan, Declaring Hu on a replacement tile after making a kong.
  • Shoot after Kong: 1 fan, Declaring Hu on a tile discarded after making a kong.
  • Robbing the Kong: 1 fan, Declaring Hu by robbing a kong.
  • Under the Sea: 1 fan, Declaring Hu on the last tile in the wall or on the discardafter the last tile.

Why Play Sichuan Mahjong

Sichuan Mahjong requires you to give up a suit to start. Just like life, we need to give up some things to make life easier and more comfortable. 🤔

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